What is Nenthead Mines?
Nenthead Mines is a historic place at Nenthead, near Alston, UK. This remote valley is covered by remains from the lead and zinc mining industry of the North Pennines, including mine entrances, watercourses, dressing-floors and buildings. The site is famous for its geology and is notable for rare lichens and plants growing on the metal-rich mine dumps. Most of the valley is a Scheduled Ancient Monument.
Carrs Mine is an old lead and zinc mine which is open to visitors on Open Days. The NMCS volunteer team provides guided trips into the mine.
When can I visit?
Come and see us at Nenthead! Click on our Open Days page for the dates of our Mine trips and site open days. You can go underground on one of our Open Days.
The site is open to visitors all year excepting that the buildings and mine are only open on our Open Days.
How do I contact Nenthead Mines?
- Email us via peter(at)nentheadmines.org
- Phone us on 07494 497868
- Write to us at our postal address which is – Nenthead Mines Conservation Society, Nenthead Mines, Nenthead, Alston, Cumbria, CA9 3PD
- Visit us at Nenthead Smelting Mill, Nenthead, Alston, Cumbria. Our satnav postcode is CA9 3NY. Look for our large sign “Nenthead Mines”.
- On one of our Open Days – drop in and enjoy the day. To book a mine tour same day, best to phone on 07494 497868
How can I help the Nenthead Mines Conservation Society?
The Society is a Charity and we own most of the historic and interesting part of the Nenthead Mines valley. The Society members operate the site, host visitors, maintain an archive and encourage everyone to enjoy the valley. We aim to educate everyone about the history, archaeology, geology and ecology of Nenthead Mines.
You can help the Society by becoming a member and joining our all volunteer team. Go to our membership page at http://www.nentheadmines.com/category/society-membership/
If you want to know more before you join the Society, please email or phone. We operate regular Volunteer Work Days and always welcome visitors.
You may also donate to the Society. We are an all-volunteer operation – all our income is spent on maintaining and developing Nenthead Mines. Donate direct – our BACS details are Nenthead Mines Conservation Society, 08-92-99, account number 67251737
Donations via Paypal are also welcome. A donate button is at the end of this page.